Sally Song

Sally Song, Chef in Residency at Volvér

Chef Jose Garces has announced that Sally Song from Dim Sum Garden will be the new Chef in residency at Volvér at Kimmel Cultural Campus.

Chef Sally Song from Dim Sum Garden will be the next resident Chef at Volvér at the Kimmel Center. During the residency until June 3, 2023, Chef Song will offer exclusive dishes highlighting her handmade and authentic Shanghai-style dim sum.

“I am so thrilled to have Sally Song join us for the Chefs in Residency Program at Volvér. I’ve been a huge fan of her cooking for over a decade; as a matter of fact, I used to purchase her dumplings wholesale for one of my restaurants. I’ve never made a secret of the respect I have for her cooking game. I can’t wait to see what she brings to the table at Volvér,” said Chef Jose Garces. 

In 2003, Sally Song’s mother, Head Chef Shizhou Da came to the United States with the original recipe for traditional homemade Shanghai-style dim sum. She is a 5th generation descendant of the originator of Chinese steamed soup dumplings, known as Xiao Long Bao. In 2008, Song arrived in the United States. In 2013, mother and daughter decided to bring Shanghai’s finest dumplings to Philadelphia and chose a restaurant location at 1020 Race Street in Philadelphia’s Chinatown, Dim Sum Garden. 

“Chefs in Residency program is a testament to Jose’s legacy in Philadelphia. I believe this program is a great opportunity. We’re extremely grateful to be among the selected chefs and hope to use the platform to further push the strong presence of Chinese cuisine in Philadelphia. Our restaurant is a celebration of authentic Shanghainese cuisine and we look forward to bringing our cuisine to a larger audience.” -Chef Sally Song. 

Sally Song

The Chef will offer an exclusive menu featuring several dishes such as Steamed Chicken Dumplings, Pork Soup Dumplings, Scallion Pancakes, Pork Noodles, Chicken Curry, Honey Walnut Shrimp, Black Pepper Sauce Steak, and more. 

During the residency, Chef Sally Song hopes to raise funds to expand Dim Sum Garden and find a larger location. Garces has pledged to match patrons’ donations dollar for dollar, up to $5,000. 

“I am raising money to fund the expansion of my restaurant to a new location at 1024 Race Street,” said Song. “We are currently in the process of renovating the space and we anticipate that it will be completed next year. The purpose of participating in this great event is not only to raise funds, but also to increase brand awareness. I hope more people can taste and like our traditional Shanghainese cuisine.”

You can donate while dining at Volvér or donate online if you want to support.

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