Pedro Juan Luna Jr

Pedro Juan Luna Jr.: Connected

Meet and connect with Pedro Juan Luna Jr., a social media manager born in Oregon, now based in Bologna, Italy.

Name: Pedro Juan Luna Jr.

Occupation: Social Media Manager at Ducati Headquarters.

Current city: Bologna, Italy.

Born and raised there or imported? Imported. I’m half Puerto Rican. Born in Oregon. Grew up in the South and back to Oregon. And now Italia.

Pedro Juan Luna Jr

What is your connection to your current city? Moved here to work for Ducati. Stayed for a girl at Ducati.

What’s your favorite restaurant? Tamburini. Amazing sliced meats and cheeses and local dishes.

Best place to shop for clothes Humana Vintage! Loads of local Italian used fashion, super cheap.

Pedro Juan Luna Jr

What is your one favorite “best kept secret” about your city? Something that you and only a few others know about but everyone should? Bologna University is not only a Hogwarts-like place of study that hosts thousands of students from around the world, it’s also the oldest University in the Western world. There’s also a little baby hidden canal like in Venice that’s good for Instagram.

What makes your city, Pedro Juan Luna Jr.’s city? What do you absolutely love about it? Food. The people who grow it. The people who craft centuries old recipes with it. And the table where people gather to celebrate life. The unique culture that Bologna has compared to the rest of Italy. It’s a genuine city, with real and relatable highs and lows. White Air Force Ones are actually better dirty here.

Socials: @pastypuertorican

Pedro Juan Luna Jr

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