“Almost Famous” represents the desire for one to reach their full potential as a Brand and Divine wants to show the world the benefits of working together. Opposed to the individualistic mindset that we’ve grown to adopt over time, she believes that in order to work together as a community, we must have trust in ourselves, each other, and the process. Melasia Divine wanted to create a space where artists can feel confident to take a chance on themselves and in hopes to further encourage Artists to keep learning and growing.
D.C born, Philly raised and Graduate of Jefferson University, Divine studied Fashion Merchandising and Graphic design. Though she’s been an artist all her life, Melasia Divine took her first big leap into her career during 2021, where she’s organized three “Almost Famous” events thus far, with no plans to stop.
The next event will be held on March 19-20, 2022 at Counter Culture on South Street and creators of all mediums are encouraged to submit an application to be a vendor on these dates, along with others to be a part of throughout the year. You can connect on Instagram, where there is also a link to apply.
All are welcome to check out the event/showcase amongst many of Philadelphia’s newest artists and designers where teamwork truly makes the dream work.
MP: What inspired you to curate and create “Almost Famous”?
Melasia Divine: There is an endless list of things that have inspired me to put these events together. I’ve been an artist my entire life and I spent my childhood and early adolescence exploring different art forms. I was always looking to experiment with something new, but I never ever felt content with focusing on just one form of art. It’s so ironic that others often perceive me as an introvert because growing up, I was always outdoors looking for new experiences to explore in the city. I’d often attend concerts, festivals, art galleries, pop-up shops, and other unique events where I’d constantly draw inspiration. I loved the feeling that such events gave me and I wanted others to feel the same way. I like to think that those experiences have helped to shape my perception of the world and give me an idea of what kind of role I wanted to play in the lives of others. I needed to find a way to combine all of my art-related interests into one and throwing my own events felt like the perfect way to do so. I started with really small events, mostly birthday parties with my friends. Until I built up the courage to throw a big public event.
MP: What’s next?
Melasia Divine: The pop up shops are currently held on South Street at a spot called Counter Culture, but I do plan to expand them throughout the city of Philadelphia and eventually outside of its borders. I hope to take these events to major cities around the entire country, in due time. Philly is where I’m from and where I’d like to plant my seeds before expanding, but I see a much larger vision for “Almost Famous.” One day I plan to turn “Almost Famous” into art/music festivals, community experiences, classes, and so much more. This is only the beginning.
MP: One thing you want the world to know?
Melasia Divine: I’d like to remind the world that time is finite within this life that we’re living, which makes it so important to do whatever the fuck you want while you’re here. Trust in your vision and never let anyone steal your confidence, not for a single moment. I’d also like to remind you guys that every one of us is unique and that there is room on this earth for every single one of us to succeed. Push yourself to find a way to make things happen, no matter how out-of-reach they may seem. Nothing is impossible.
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