Freedom Constellations

Freedom Constellations

Freedom Constellations uses augmented reality animations and immersive visual exhibitions to create a safe and accessible environment where young people can thrive in pursuing freedom.

Mural Arts Philadelphia and Performing Statistics, in partnership with Juvenile Law Center, Care, Not Control, and the Youth Art and Self Empowerment Project, created Freedom Constellations, a city-wide endeavor that features large-scale art installations, augmented reality animations, and immersive exhibitions, all aiming to create a vision of a safe and thriving future for Philly’s youth.

A caucus of young people worked together in poetry, photography, and design workshops to envision a fair and unrestricted future before collaborating with artists from various parts of the country to create a series of billboards, posters, advertising campaigns, and art exhibits displayed throughout the city.

The #NoKidsInPrison exhibition will jump-start the project with an opening celebration on May 20th at Cherry Street Pier and run through June 11th, 2023. The exhibition will provide an immersive experience showcasing the history and impact of youth incarceration. Performing Statistics has organized a presentation that includes a combination of virtual reality, interactive art installations, and art produced over eight years in partnership with youth leaders from across the country. In addition, the exhibit has various public programs, including a Time for Art event on May 27th, a First Friday event on June 3rd, and a Closing Celebration on June 11th.

Freedom Constellations

Freedom Constellations visuals across the city include large banners, billboards, murals, and exhibitions that showcase the hopes and dreams of the city’s youth leaders from the Juvenile Law Center, YASP, Care, Not Control, and Mural Arts’ Restorative Justice Guild program. Over 50 young people contributed ideas for a fair, safe, and healthy future. The project aims to motivate and direct the community toward a future where all children can thrive. The billboards have thought-provoking themes and aim to create a tomorrow where all youth are safe, free, and healed and feature augmented reality components. Viewers are encouraged to use their smartphones to engage with the artwork. Eastern State Penitentiary and Cherry Street Pier are noted as prime locations to engage these features.

Buildings around the city are being used as canvases for the imaginative designs of young people to encourage and motivate others to support the movement and empower the voices of emerging youth leaders. The Freedom Constellations project even includes a SEPTA bus decorated with inspiring words and portraits of young leaders.

“Freedom Constellations boldly merges monumental art with cutting-edge technology to create a captivating vision of a future where Philadelphia’s youth thrive in freedom and safety. Through augmented reality animations and immersive exhibitions, this groundbreaking project amplifies the voices of communities, inspiring positive change and igniting important conversations.” – Jane Golden, Executive Director of Mural Arts Philadelphia.

Freedom Constellations

The project’s funding sources include the Art for Justice Fund, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, the City of Philadelphia, Independence Public Media Foundation, Kresge Foundation, Spring Point Partners, and the Public Welfare Foundation.

Consider exploring the Freedom Constellations Project and how you can support and get involved.

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