DEADBOX – the quintessential Philly only game – at Thirsty Dice Café

The concept behind Thirsty Dice is one of those ideas that I came up eons ago, probably when very high, that seemed too weird to imagine as a reality: a low key bar or café with board games and televisions for tourney nerds and their two pals. That’s the thing of Thirsty Dice at 1642 Fairmount Avenue. They serve drinks and snacks and milkshakes and have over 600 board games at their disposal. That means Monopoly, Trouble, Clue, Dealers’ Choice, Yahtzee, Masterpiece, and more. Dag.

Was this who I got stoned with, and they were just more just more ambitious and less high?

Along with events such as a Dungeons & Dragons Brunch (see, I’m not a D&D guy, but, I get it), and this Sunday’s Nerd School: Kids vs. Grown Ups Scrabble tourney, Thirsty Dice will venture into the realm of the purely Philadelphian right outside their front door when, on Saturday, September 28, they focus on DEADBOX.

From noon to 3, if the weather is good, the free event focuses on the lost Philly street game where you draw chalk lines on asphalt, get a hand full of flat bottle caps (so grab the glass bottles of Coke with the flat ridged caps, and not the plastic ones) and work to get them into segmented sections of the chalked out board by flicking them. If you get them in the center zone, boom, you’re a sucker, and you have to start over. It is my understanding that the person running the game, Len Davidson, will use vinyl laid upon the ground, rather than asphalt. While I’m prepared to yell ‘sacrilege,’ it might be best for me to let him have a go… he may have a point to all this as he is a master of DEADBOX craft.

If Thirsty Dice does this DEADBOX event with cocktails…. Just wow.

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3 thoughts on “DEADBOX – the quintessential Philly only game – at Thirsty Dice Café

  1. hello AD. , my name is Carla Morelli. I’m the kid shooting the bottle cap in the dead box photo. Me and my friends are in the picture. We would like to be recognized. – it taken up my street we know everyone in the photo. We know the year and it’s different than what is posted on other sites.

  2. That’s very cool, Carlo or Carla – you sign it two different ways, but I believe you are Carlo the Sinatra singer – consider yourself recognized. Where and when was this photo shot – what block in what neighborhood? Can you name anyone else in the shot? Are you still in touch with them? And most of all – WHO WON THE GAME?
    Thanks for being in touch.
    A.D. Amorosi

    1. A.D. Amorosi , I apologize for the late reply I just noticed this now. Thank you for recognizing us and and I on the photo. It was taken on the 1800 block of South Hicks Street. South Philadelphia it’s near
      Broad and more street… My father took the photo, around 1975. All the children are you saying there are friends of mine. We are in contact with each other. We are doing a reenactment in a few weeks. We will also be signing posters and having them available on our websitIe. Looking forward to speaking with you and meeting you. Best regards, carlo morelli

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