Arden Bendler Browning

"Walking 20" 2022, acrylic and mixed media on panel.

Arden Bendler Browning at Bridgette Mayer Gallery

The Bridgette Mayer Gallery presents Wayfinding, a solo exhibition by artist, Arden Bendler Browning.

Bridgette Mayer Gallery is pleased to present Wayfinding, an exhibition of works by Arden Bendler Browning. Following her recent completion of a major public art project, Elastic Geography, commissioned by Mural Arts Philadelphia, Bendler Browning’s exhibition will be on view at the Bridgette Mayer Gallery from September 6 to October 22, 2022. An artist reception will be held on September 9th from 5:00-7:30 pm.

Arden Bendler Browning
“Virtual Travel through Icy Snow at Dusk” 2022, acrylic, flashe, and spray paint on panel.

Arden Bendler Browning’s second solo exhibition at the gallery will feature 21 new paintings with some paintings incorporating new media such as a video slideshow and a small projection, an installation of over 50 mixed media works on panel, and a custom interactive virtual reality work.

The title of the exhibition comes from Wayfinding, by M.R. O’Connor, which inspired Arden Bendler Browning while working on these pieces.

“Jefferson Street apricot blooms (from many photos while at residency)” 2022 fluid acrylic on wood panel.

“When travel became restricted and limited in 2020, my studio practice shifted towards a search for safety and wonder within spaces connected to my daily routes. The spaces that continue to beckon me over and over again are the understories of familiar sidewalk trees that I observe throughout changes in seasons, time of day, weather, and my own moods.

“I take photographs, make little paintings, and record video of the way they move and change. I make large paintings while looking at the small paintings, while watching looped videos, and while studying the different perspectives recorded by the compacted all over detail of smartphone photography. I also make virtual reality 3D paintings stemming from photographs of these tree drawings. Then, I make new paintings while watching video documentation of the VR paintings. These new paintings are more abstract, yet still descriptive of a developing and remembered space. Each step in my creative process offers a new perspective and unexplored paths.” – Arden Bendler Browning.

An artist reception will be held on September 9th from 5:00-7:30pm.

Arden Bendler Browning

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